关于 > Overview
The 墨西哥湾沿岸研究实验室 (GCRL) is a research and teaching unit of The University
of Southern Mississippi dedicated to the advancement of scientific discovery and promotion
of academic growth in the fields of marine biology and coastal sciences for the betterment
of society, the wise use of natural resources, and the advancement of sound economic
发展. 它于1948年和1950年由密西西比州立法机构正式成立,
- 促进包括自然资源在内的科学研究和知识 State of Mississippi and to provide for the dissemination of research findings and 来自墨西哥湾沿岸地区的标本.小姐”(. 代码安. §37-101-21);
- Study all estuaries and bays deemed to be nurseries” and “… may recommend the establishment of nursery grounds in the estuaries and bays if necessary to protect the state’s fishing 资源”(小姐. 代码安. §49-15-315); and,
- Be assigned for the use … by the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources小姐”(. 代码安. §37-101-19) and to be utilized “to the fullest extent possible” by the Mississippi 海洋资源委员会. 代码安. § 49-15-15).
In 1988, the GCRL transitioned from an independent laboratory to a research and teaching 是九游会国际的一所大学.
墨西哥湾沿岸研究实验室的历史 乔伊斯·M. 肖
墨西哥湾沿岸研究实验室对卡特里娜飓风的反应:个人 的角度来看 作者:William E. 霍金斯
Approximately 200 scientists and support staff are employed through the GCRL and conduct 在各种各样的实验室和学术设施上进行研究和教学 50英亩的霍尔斯特德校区和224英亩的雪松点校区. 作为一名大学海员 laboratory, GCRL’s focus is on research and academics associated with the marine and 海岸环境,其目标不仅是推进科学知识,而且 通过可持续渔业、水产养殖、 coastal restoration and conservation - and higher education for workforce 发展. 这些任务组成部分是通过该大学基于gcr的部门实现的 of Coastal Sciences (COA), Center for Fisheries 研究 and Development (CFRD), Thad 科克伦海洋养殖中心(TCMAC)和海洋教育中心(MEC). 具体的 这些单位的研究重点包括:
- Coastal Ecology - investigating biodiversity and the linkages between environmental processes of the coastal zone and the populations and communities of organisms therein
- Marine Aquaculture - research and 发展 in the culture of marine organisms for 海产品生产与修复
- Fisheries and Fisheries Oceanography - collaborative and independent research on fisheries 生态学、海洋学、管理和重要鱼类栖息地
- Aquatic Health - understanding the biological, chemical and physical factors affecting 海洋和沿海生物以及支持它们的生态系统的健康
Since its inception, a primary objective of the GCRL has been to provide scientific support to the State of Mississippi for research and management needs pertaining to 国家海洋和沿海资源. 为此,GCRL的教职员工和学生 collaborate closely with partners at the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) and Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and serve on committees and panels which provide science-based guidance to the Mississippi Commission on Marine 资源(MCMR). 这种支持还通过我们科学家的参与扩大到全国 on regional and federal committees for entities such as the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, the NOAA Marine Fisheries 倡议(MARFIN)小组,以及NOAA高度迁徙物种咨询小组.
具体的 to the State of Mississippi, current and historical support provided through GCRL包括:
- 与MDMR协调成立密西西比股票评估小组 例行的库存评估,以支持密西西比河健全的管理决策 海洋资源委员会
- Proposal 发展 for and collaboration on the State’s various National Fish and Wildlife Foundation projects through the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund to better understand and restore natural resources impacted by the BP oil spill; these include 红鲷鱼、礁鱼、牡蛎和海洋哺乳动物项目
- Support for oyster restoration through the USM-led Mississippi Based RESTORE Act Center (MBRACE)和TCMAC牡蛎养殖项目
- Collaborative long-term monitoring programs through CFRD for all life-history stages of finfish, shrimp and crabs in Mississippi coastal waters to support stock assessments 管理工作
- Marsh plant propagation research and 发展 (and associated nursery) and landscape 建立模型以支持州沼泽恢复工作
- Shellfish sanitation testing for Mississippi oysters to ensure compliance with federal regulations designed to protect public health (GCRL is the only conforming shellfish 密西西比州测试实验室.)
- 鱼类识别训练,以加强鱼类管制
- Large pelagics program to inform management of offshore marine species (billfishes, 金枪鱼、鲨鱼)和对密西西比以渔业为基础的经济至关重要的栖息地.g., 密西西比海湾沿岸长嘴鱼经典)
- Public outreach and education through MEC K-12 and citizen scientist education programs
- Establishment of acoustic monitoring protocols and project implementation for coastal finfish species to more finely delineate Essential Fish Habitat and Critical Habitat 就许可而言
- Advisement and expertise on numerous Technical Working Groups for the Deepwater Horizon NRDA和监测本州的牡蛎礁和近海人工礁 修复项目
- 循环 & 仔鱼调查和建模,以更好地了解招募模式 对于重要的河口依赖物种
- 研究 and 发展 on finfish, oyster, shrimp and crab aquaculture for seafood production and/or restoration to support economic 发展 and enhancement of overfished 股票
- 分析、监测、观察 & 范围以外的其他科学服务
- 疾病 & 寄生虫学(e.g.皮)
- 先进的 & 定制统计分析
- 群体遗传学
- 底栖生物 & 微生物生态学
- 毒理学
- 生态系统 & 景观建模
- 鱼的繁殖,年龄/生长 & 喂养
- 地球化学 & 水质测试
- 通过COA本科和研究生学术课程发展劳动力
- 研究、学术 & 后勤资源通过Gunter图书馆,GCRL博物馆 及USM船队
Dr. 凯利达内尔
Dr. 罗伯特·叶
埃里克·W. 钩
Pam Moeller
乔伊斯米. 肖, MA, MLIS
图书馆的负责人 & 教授
临时住房 & 会议服务经理
占地50英亩的霍尔斯特德遗址是GCRL的原址 1948年的州议会. 众多的学术、研究和行政单位 located at the Halstead site, including GCRL’s Dormitory, Dining Hall, Gunter Library, 和教室设施(包括实地研究大楼) 长期运行的夏季实地项目. 这里的港口是 B,艇艇下水支持我校小艇研究和学术运作.
- 如果你在I-10公路上向东行驶沿着609号高速公路(华盛顿大道)大约走50号出口 距U三英里.S. 90. 在U路左转.S. 90; right on Bechtel Boulevard (4th traffic light, including the fire station traffic signal); cross the railroad tracks; left on Government Street (a 4-way stop); right on Halstead Road (a 3-way stop); go south to the end of Halstead Road; the GCRL entrance is on 左边.
- 如果你在I-10向西行驶, take the Ocean Springs Exit #57; turn left (south) and follow Hwy. 57对U.S. 90. 在U路右转.S. 90. 约4分钟.5英里(第7个红绿灯)到汉利路. 转 left on Hanley; cross railroad tracks; right on Government (a 4-way stop); left on Halstead (a 3-way stop); go south to the end of Halstead Road; GCRL entrance is to 左边.
The 224-acre Cedar Point site is east of the Halstead site and adjacent to the Gulf 岛屿国家海岸的戴维斯湾地区. 该物业是由大学捐赠给USM Jackson County Board of Supervisors in 1995, initially for expansion of marine aquaculture GCRL的研究. 雪松点包括许多设施支持萨德科克伦 海洋水产养殖中心和研究大楼是几家国有企业的所在地 教师. 2005年卡特里娜飓风造成的损失的恢复主要发生在 this location, with completion of the Marine Education Center in 2018, the Toxicology 2017年建成,2013年建成GCRL物理工厂.
从GCRL霍尔斯特德校区向右转,然后走1号路.往北4英里,在霍尔斯特德路 到政府街然后右转. 后2.0英里,在纳普路右转. 取 第一个右转到VFW路. 在第一个路口左转进入公园路. In 0.2英里, GCRL入口在月桂橡树路的左边.
- 如果你在90号高速公路上向东行驶, just after passing Ocean Springs Hospital, turn right (south) at the traffic light 在海湾群岛国家海岸入口处的公园路. 在北边的那条路 十字路口的那一边是海洋泉路.)继续1.4英里后左转 月桂橡树路. 继续0.2英里后右转进入停车场.
- 如果你在90号公路上向西行驶,继续.过了沃尔玛1英里,在海湾的红绿灯处左转(向南) 岛屿国家海岸公园路,就在海泉医院之前. ( 十字路口北侧的道路是海洋泉路.)继续1.4英里, GCRL入口在月桂橡树路的左边.
点军校学员 in Biloxi serves as a research vessel and teaching site for GCRL and is 主端口连接到R/V 吉姆·弗兰克斯 和R/V 汤米·芒罗.